The Effect of the Wear of Rotor Pins on Grinding Efficiency in a High-speed Disintegrator
DVOŘÁK, K.; DOLÁK, D.; PALOUŠEK, D.; ČELKO, L.; JECH, D. The Effect of the Wear of Rotor Pins on Grinding Efficiency in a High-speed Disintegrator. Materials Science, 2018, roč. 24, č. 1, s. 29-34. ISSN: 1392-1320.
One of the directions intensively investigated in the field of milling is high-energy milling (HEM). One type of HEM is high-speed grinding in high-speed disintegrators. This type of mill is particularly suitable for the grinding and activation of fine powder materials. It has several advantages, such as a very intensive and continual refining process. One disadvantage is that its grinding pins are prone to abrasion, which may result in a decrease of the efficiency of grinding. This effect was investigated in this paper. Laboratory high speed disintegrator DESI 11 with steel pins was used. Portland clinker was chosen for the experiment, because of its average hardness. After each kilogram of the milled material, a sample was taken and the weight loss of the rotors was measured. The wear of the rotors was also measured using the 3D optical scanner ATOS Triple Scan. Results show that wear of rotors has a significant impact on the grinding efficiency.