Assoc. Prof. Ladislav Čelko, Ph.D.
Research Group Leader
Senior researcher
E-mail: ladislav.celko@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9701
GSM: +420 608 902 624
Zina Pavloušková, Ph.D.
Senior researcher
E-mail: zina.pavlouskova@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9702
Research interest: structure and properties of metallic materials, statistics and hypothesis
Biomaterials processing
Edgar Benjamin Montufar Jimenez, Ph.D.
Head of Biomaterials Processing Laboratory
Senior researcher
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Fellow
E-mail: eb.montufar@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9201
Mobil: +420 607 444 370
Research interest: development of novel materials for tissue engineering, drug release and regenerative medicine, including calcium phosphate ceramics and their interaction with biological systems and cell printing by extrusion methods and their biological characterization
Materials analysis and cooperation with industry
Martin Juliš, Ph.D.
Head of Materials Analysis Laboratory
Senior researcher
E-mail: martin.julis@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9725
Research interest: comprehensive microstructural analysis of metallic and non-metallic materials; failure analysis, metallography and fractography analysis; heat treatment of metallic materials; solving production problems within the technological processing of metallic materials; testing of mechanical properties; materials characterization of coatings; metallography, mechanical and utility properties of casting aluminium and magnesium alloys
Lenka Klakurková, Ph.D.
Member of Materials Analysis Laboratory
Senior researcher
E-mail: lenka.klakurkova@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9725
Research interest: comprehensive microstructural analysis of metallic and non-metallic materials; failure analysis, metallography and fractography analysis; heat treatment of metallic materials; solving production problems within the technological processing of metallic materials; testing of mechanical properties; materials characterization of coatings; metallography, mechanical and utility properties of casting aluminium and magnesium alloys
Pavel Gejdoš, Ph.D.
Member of Materials Analysis Laboratory
Junior researcher
E-mail: pavel.gejdos@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9725
Research interest: comprehensive microstructural analysis of metallic and non-metallic materials; failure analysis, metallography and fractography analysis; heat treatment of metallic materials; solving production problems within the technological processing of metallic materials; testing of mechanical properties; materials characterization of coatings; metallography, mechanical and utility properties of casting aluminium and magnesium alloys
David Kusmič, Ph.D.
Member of Materials Analysis Laboratory
Senior Researcher
E-mail: david.kusmic1@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9725
Research interest: comprehensive microstructural analysis of metallic and non-metallic materials; failure analysis, metallography and fractography analysis; heat treatment of metallic materials; solving production problems within the technological processing of metallic materials; testing of mechanical properties; materials characterization of coatings; metallography, mechanical and utility properties of casting aluminium and magnesium alloys
Development and testing of advanced coatings
Michaela Remešová, Ph.D.
Member of Development and testing of advanced coatings Laboratory
Junior researcher
E-mail: michaela.remesova@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9707
Research interest: surface treatment, non-ferrous alloys, chemical deposition techniques, electrochemistry, anodization, composition coatings, materials characterization and testing
Ing. Vendula Bednaříková
Member of Development and testing of advanced coatings Laboratory
Laboratory technician
E-mail: vendula.bednarikova@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Research interest: high-performance nanomaterials, the chemistry of rare-earth elements, bioceramics, the chemistry of aerogels materials
Carolina Oliver Urrutia, Ph.D.
Member of Development and testing of advanced coatings Laboratory
Research Technician in the Field of Biomedical Application
Home Instutution: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnologia
E-mail: urrutia@vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9722
Materials for Energy
Serhii Tkachenko, Ph.D.
Head of Materials for Energy Laboratory
Junior researcher
E-mail: serhii.tkachenko@ceitec.vutbr.cz
Phone: +420 54114 9706
Research interests: surface science, catalysts, aerogels, thermal spray, wear resistant and corrosion resistant materials