National Thermal Spray Conference (NTSC 2023)
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Obhajoba doktorské disertační práce Ing. Davida Jecha
Téma práce: Příprava a strukturní stabilita nanokrystalických tepelných bariérŠkolitel: prof. Ing. Jiří Švejcar, CSc.KDY: 10. 12. 2018 v 11.00KDE: zasedací místnosti ÚMVI, , budova A3/401, Technická…
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TALK: Repair of Ni-based Superalloys using Cold Spray
Turbine blades in aviation engines and stationary gas-turbines are exposed to extreme environments. These lead to different damages such as creep, oxidation and crack formation of the nickel based…
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Seminar: Rare earth zirconates: the interplay of structure and properties…
The progress in the energy efficiency of modern gas turbine enginesand their durability is well known to rely on further improvements inthermal barrier coatings (TBCs). Hence, the design of new…
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Training Seminar: Dangerous chemical substances
Description:Czech and EU legislationClassification and labelling of chemical substances and mixturesDangerous and highly toxic chemical substancesSafety data sheets and safety rulesHandling of…
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Additive manufacturing as a tool to create live in 3D workshop
Last July 26–27 the workshop Additive Manufacturing as a Tool to Create Life in 3D was held at CEITEC-BUT with the funding of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under…
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Seminar: Biofabrication
Biofabrication is a relatively new discipline that aims to include engineering concepts and methods in the production of living and functional organs. In this seminar concepts such as additive…
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Seminar: The metal-ligand bond mystery
The first Nobel prize in Inorganic Chemistry was awarded to Alfred Werner in 1913 due to his discoveries on the linkage of atoms in molecules. His work opened new fields of research in the broad…
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